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Making History

June LiFi has made history by installing the first ever LiFi solution in a scholastic environment here in the United States 


LiFi provides two-way wireless communication that provides consistent high-speed connectivity, unique physical security and has low latency for real time data streaming



June Lite is changing the global lightscape and landscape with our passion for lessening the carbon footprint

Purchase  Now

1 KIND Bulb

Tree Hugger

You appreciate great lighting and will stop to hug and admire a tree.

3 KIND Bulbs

Tree Lover

You place a higher value on great lighting and will stop your car, take a picture, get really mad at someone who kicks the trunk of a tree.  Sometimes you will fall asleep under a tree because you feel safe and in the best company.

6 KIND Bulbs

Tree Worshiper

You cannot live without great lighting.
You feel like every tree is a personal friend.
You will carve out time to visit with these trees, have a conversation with them, will name some and insist that you become one with a tree
when you pass. 

Looking for Wholesale June Lite KIND Bulbs?

Click below and a team member will be in touch 

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